Pre-College Initiative
Regional high schools comprise an invaluable first link for young people in the cloud
computing career pathway. In the design of the cloud curriculum, a new Cloud Literacy
Course will be created as an entry point for the new pathway. This course will be
created for delivery at the community college or at regional high schools through
dual-credit programs (College Credit Plus in Ohio and High School Dual Enrollment
in Virginia), offering pre-college students the ability to earn college credit.
Leveraging this course, the initiative will create outreach strategies to promote
career awareness of the cloud technology pathway to new students, counselors, and
parents. The Cloud project team will share career opportunities, industry guest speakers,
and tools to prepare students for entry courses in information technology. The project
will create a seamless transition for students from the Cloud Literacy Course to the
community college Cloud Fundamentals Certificate and then into Associate of Applied
Science degree programs.
In Year Two, the project will create an accelerated option and host a Cloud Literacy
Institute for high school and entry-level college students. This summer institute
will be developed with industry partners to teach students the IT career pathway that
leads to cloud computing. The camp will utilize a design process as scaffolding for
students to learn that cloud computing is a skill that involves proposing solutions
based on analyzing data, computation, database, and security requirements. Fundamentals
of IT networking infrastructure and security are needed to select the architectural
best practices.
Through the Cloud Literacy Institute, students will learn the basics of cloud computing
through a design-based project that will give students a budget and services needed
by a company such as PaaS, SaaS, and Iaas. Throughout the institute, students will
work in teams to determine the costs associated with designing and deploying a cloud
computing solution that is manageable, secure, and scalable.