Admissions and Advising Support
Students seeking admission into the Early Childhood Development and Education Program must first be admitted to the college through Records and Registration. Before students are eligible to register for any ECDE courses the following must be completed:
1. Apply to Columbus State.
2. Complete appropriate Placement Testing. Placement into ENGL 1100 Composition I or completion of ENG 1099 Composition Workshop is required prior to enrollment in any ECDE course.
3. Students transferring from another college should follow admissions procedures as published in the current College Catalog. Records and Registration will review college transcripts for transfer of General and Basic courses. Courses in which students have earned a "C" or better will be considered for transfer (K) credit. The student's assigned ECDE advisor will review early childhood courses for transfer into ECDE. Students will be asked to supply course descriptions and course syllabi to facilitate the evaluation of transfer credit for ECDE courses. This process should begin as soon as possible to prevent duplication of coursework.
Please note: Students who have a conviction of a prohibited offense may not qualify to work with young children. Not all convictions disqualify a student from a position in early childhood, however, so if you have any questions, please see the ECDE Practicum Coordinator.
Prior to starting ECDE practicums, students must have a 2.0 or higher GPA (overall, non-technical, and technical) and must complete the following courses with a grade of 'C' or higher:
- ECDE 1101 Early Childhood Curriculum
- ECDE 1105 Social Emotional Development & Curriculum
- ECDE 1108 Creative Curriculum
- ECDE 1109 Language & Literacy Curriculum
- ECDE 2010 Infant Toddler Curriculum
- PSY 1100 Introduction to Psychology
- PSY 2261 Child Development
Advising Services
First-year ECDE students are encouraged to reach out to Health and Human Services (HHS) Advising for support as they begin the program's plan of study, work toward planning courses by semester, or have transfer questions, etc.
Advising services are also available from ECDE faculty advisors, who are assigned to each ECDE student, by last name (see list below)
See an HHS Advisor or your ECDE Faculty Advisor, beginning your first semester in the ECDE program, for the following:
- To create or review your overall Plan of Study. This process requires an in-person or online advising appointment.
- To discuss transfer possibilities to four-year Bachelor’s programs.
- To discuss transfer credit from other institutions.
- To discuss non-academic barriers to success and explore resources available at the college.
- To make sure you are prepared to graduate. Meeting with your advisor the semester before you graduate can help ensure that you have met all graduation requirements. You will start the actual graduation process by going to Graduation Application in CougarWeb at the start of the semester you plan to graduate.
Please note: Faculty advising services WILL NOT be available during college breaks. It is the student’s responsibility to plan ahead and schedule advising appointments appropriately. The Office of Health and Human Services Advising is open during most breaks. Please see their website for further information.
ECDE Faculty Advisor, assigned by student last name:
A – D: Professor Melanie Adams
E – K: Professor Christine Creagh
L – Q: Associate Professor Dr. Charvella McKaye
R – Z: Assistant Professor Tricia May-Woods
For anything related to ECDE practicums, please continue to reach out to ECDE Practicum Coordinator, Peggy Lucas, at
For anything related to the ECDE Resource Lab, please reach out to ECDE Lab Coordinator, Peggy Lucas, at
For anything related to the CDA credential, please reach out to Dr. Charvella McKaye at
Please note: Faculty advising services WILL NOT be available during college breaks. Please plan ahead and schedule advising appointments appropriately. Health and Human Services Advising is open during most breaks. Please see their website for further information.