Resources & Links
One of the important skills you learn in our Program is how to research human resources
related issues. The following websites are important tools in mastering that skill
and learning about your obligations as an employer, and your rights as an employee – this is a Meta Search Engine that searches all other search engines. Simply type
key words in quotation marks in the search box (i.e. “sexual harassment cases”), and
ixquick provides you with references from Google, Yahoo, Bing, Cull, Digg, Ask/Teoma,
Gigablast, and government websites. – as the official website for the U. S. Department of Labor, this is one of the most
important websites for you as a human resources professional. You can either enter
key words in the search box, or use their user-friendly A-Z search. From this page
you can also access other important sites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( – as the official website of the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, this
is another very important website for you as a human resources professional. – as the official website of the U. S. National Labor Relations Board, this is a
very important website for researching information relating to legal issues regarding
organized labor. – as the official website of the U. S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, this is a very important website for researching information
regarding safety issues. – this is a website devoted to the United States Supreme Court and its work. Here
you can research the Court, its Justices, and its decisions. – this is the Cornell University Law School website. Here you can link to the text
of laws and research cases from across the country.