For more information, please contact:
Martine Stephens (mstephens42@cscc.edu, 614-287-3952)
- Precollege Math (0114, 1024, 1025, 1050, 1075, 1099)
- Contextual 1 (1101, 1103, 1104, 1109, 1111, 1115)
- Contextual 2 (1122,1123, 1125, 1126)
- Prep for Calculus (1120, 1121, 1130, 1146, 1148, 1149, 1150)
- Calculus (1131, 1151, 1152, 1172)
- Advanced Math (2153, 2173, 2174, 2177, 2255, 2366, 2415, 2568)
- Statistics 1 (1350, 1400)
- Statistics 2 (1450, 2430, 2450, 2470)
In-person Tutoring Locations
Tutoring for pre-college Math courses takes place in Aquinas Hall (AQ-213) during open hours only (drop in only, no appointment required). Click the "Pre-College Math" PDF above to see open hours.
Tutoring for all other Math courses takes place in the library in Columbus Hall (CO-103).
The Math skills lab (except pre-college Math) is located in CO-105.
For schedules, click the individual PDFs listed above.
You may also make appointments for tutoring (except pre-college Math tutoring) via Starfish in Blackboard.
NetTutor Online Tutoring
Directions to Access Online Tutoring Services for Various Courses through Blackboard
1) Log in to Blackboard with your Columbus State user name and password.
2) Go to a course you are currently enrolled in (you can access tutoring for any subject from any course you are currently enrolled in).
3) Click the button with the green and black "N" below your name in the upper right hand corner. First-time users will need to "Accept and Continue" the End User License Agreement.
4) Choose the subject in which you want tutoring.