Starfish is a primary way instructors communicate with students. Instructors, advisors and other college staff use Starfish to send kudos and to refer students to tutoring and other success services at the college.
As a student, you can use Starfish to:
- Schedule appointments with your instructors, academic or pathway advisors, and other student service providers at Columbus State
- Access and modify upcoming appointments that you've scheduled
- Access your Starfish Dashboard for: upcoming dates and deadlines on your student calendar, notifications from your instructors, referrals to campus services, important items to-dos, and kudos you've received from faculty and staff, etc.
- View your success network including connections to instructors and your assigned academic or pathway advisors
If you are a recently admitted student or have been enrolled in classes during the past two years, you can access Starfish by clicking on the button below. If you have been away for less than three years and you are having trouble getting into Starfish, you can Update Your Username and Password.
Starfish Demonstration Videos for Students
Your Success Network (Includes Information on how to schedule an appointment with Starfish)
Current and Returning Students: Making an Appointment via Starfish
If you are a returning student who has not registered for a class during the past two years, you will be unable to login to Starfish until you have scheduled a class. Please contact your academic advisor via chat, email, telephone, or by attending drop-in times at Advising Central located on the Columbus Campus to get help planning your classes.
After registering for a class, you will have access to Starfish within 24 to 48 hours. If you have forgotten your CSCC username and or password, click Reactivate Your Account.
If you have been away from Columbus State for three years or more, submit a new application at to update your student account, and reactivate your CSCC username and password through the "Discover/Activate" option at Links to each advising unit are accessible via the Academic Advising web page.
If you are a current student, you can access Starfish by logging in to Blackboard, and then clicking on Starfish in the Tools panel.
We created a PDF with screenshots in case you would like more detailed instructions for Making an Appointment with your Advisor in Starfish
Notifications via Starfish
Faculty can use Starfish to provide feedback to students at any time during the semester. Each semester, several surveys are sent to instructors asking for them to comment on how their students are doing at that time. Certain responses create notifications that provide information designed to communicate helpful next steps toward successful completion of courses. Faculty and staff can also use Starfish to provide referrals to valuable resources in the student's network of care including academic and other support services. When students have exceptional performance or accomplishments, faculty and staff may send a kudos congratulating them on a job well done!
Notifications can be found on your Dashboard when logged into Starfish, and they will be sent as an email to your email account.