Peter Karim-Sesay
Assistant Professor of Sociology
339 Center for Technology and Learning
Phone: 614-287-2528
Fax: 614-287-5301
SOC 1101: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 1500: Introduction to Rural Sociology
SOC 2202: Social Problems
B.A. in Sociology/Environmental Science, University of Botswana
M.A. in International Development, Ohio University
Ph.D. in Rural Sociology, The Ohio State University
Research and other Interests
- Rural social institutions - economic and political structures of rural communities
- Peace, war and social conflict – the long term impact of conflict on social institutions
- Social capital - has to do with the connections among people in society. It includes
social networks, community, civic participation, social trust, identity and sense
of belonging.
- Environment and technology – impact of rapid technological change on the natural environment
- I also love playing tennis and hanging out with my Budgerigar parakeet called “Africa”