Paralegal Transfer Programs
Kent State 3+1 Program
Upgrade your credentials. Downsize your college costs.
Whether you’re just entering the paralegal field or you’re an established professional looking to add to your credentials (and earning potential), now you can earn your bachelor’s degree from Kent State University right here in Columbus – and with big tuition savings.
Columbus State and Kent State have teamed up to offer the 3+1 Paralegal Studies program, allowing you to complete three years' worth of study at Columbus State’s low tuition rate, and take one year's worth of Kent State courses to complete your bachelor degree.
The pathway is laid out for you, so you know exactly what to take with full assurance
that your credits will transfer. Follow the link below to see how you can complete
your degree:
AAS Paralegal Studies to Kent State University Bachelor of Arts in Paralegal Studies
Here’s how it works:
- Earn an associate degree in Paralegal Studies from Columbus State (4 semesters of study).
- Apply to Kent State at
- Take a combination of Kent State classes online and Columbus State classes for your remaining four semesters to complete your Bachelor of Arts degree in Paralegal Studies.
Program Benefits
- Pay Columbus State’s low tuition for 3 years' worth of classes.
- Earn while you learn. Your associate degree in Paralegal Studies gives you the skills to enter the profession right away should you choose.
- Guaranteed transfer of all your Columbus State credits to Kent State.
- Complete your bachelor’s degree without having to travel outside of Columbus State.
- Save thousands of dollars while earning a degree that will increase your earning power.
- The thriving Columbus law community offers endless potential for networking, internships and other professional opportunities as you work toward your degree.
Already hold an associate of Paralegal Studies from Columbus State?
If you have already earned your associate degree in Paralegal Studies, your next step is to apply to Kent State’s Bachelor of Arts in Paralegal Studies program, which you will be able to complete on Columbus State’s campus.
- Apply for admission to Kent State at
For more information or assistance:
Amanda Paar Conroy, Esq.,
Director, Kent State Paralegal Studies Program
Additional Transfer Options
The Paralegal Studies associate’s degree is also reflected in transfer agreements the College has entered with: The University of Cincinnati, Franklin University, Tiffin University, Ohio University, Miami University and the American College of Education. Visit the College’s Transfer website at to learn more or see a complete list at Explore | Paralegal Studies AAS.
Guidelines for Transfer and Other Types of Credit
The following guidelines are not intended to alter or modify College guidelines, policies or procedures, but rather are to be considered in addition to any and all applicable College requirements.
The following guidelines will apply:
- No transfer credit will be awarded from non-ABA-Approved institutions/programs, for paralegal specialty courses.
- No transfer credit will be awarded for law school coursework either in the United States or abroad.
- Transfer credit for legal specialty courses must be evaluated on the following criteria: 1) "covers substantive law or legal procedures or process, 2) has been developed for paralegals, 3) emphasizes practical paralegal skills and 4) meets the instructional requirements of G.301.B [course stresses critical thinking, is interactive, and contains practical paralegal assignments]" See ABA Guidelines for the Approval of Paralegal Education Programs ("ABA Guidelines") G- 302(I)(1).
- Transfer credit for legal specialty courses must also be reviewed in light of the requirement that the student complete at least ten (10) credits of legal specialty coursework in the traditional classroom format. Faculty must take steps to verify the format in which the requested transfer credit was completed and accept or deny the transfer credit accordingly. See ABA Guidelines G- 302(G)(3) and (4).
- The post bachelor's program will require 25% of the coursework to be completed in
residence in order for the credential to be awarded.
Course Waiver Approvals
Waiver of legal specialty course credit or classes is not permitted. All other course waivers must be submitted to the Chair of the Department by a faculty member in the Program that has considered the following:
- A review of the degree audit to determine the courses left for graduation and the possibility of completing the hours required without a waiver;
- A recommendation based on their analysis of the situation;
- Waivers will not be considered if in contravention of College policy; and
- The number of waiver hours should be reasonable based on the circumstances.