Lab Rules & Regulations
Important Notice:
If you leave your assigned computer for more than 15 minutes you run the risk of loosing your seat to the next patron. Any items left at the seat, ie backpack will be taken to Public Safety.
Technology and Learning Guidelines (The Commons in TL)
Current Columbus State Student, Employee, or State Issued ID card is required to access the lab. ID must have the current semester’s sticker.
In accordance with College Policy and Procedure 13-11 (E) (4), all Columbus State students are required to carry a Cougar ID and show it upon request to any college employee.
Students are expected to refrain from being disruptive or disturbing others in the lab. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to loud conversation, loud music on headphones, and cell phone use. If your behavior is disruptive, you will be asked to stop. If your behavior continues, you will be asked to leave, and the incident will be referred to Student Conduct.
Cell phones must be silenced or placed on vibrate while in the lab. If you need to make a call, please leave the lab.
College Policy 13-02 (B) prohibits food and beverage in the labs. Covered drinks may be permitted.
In accordance with College Policy & Procedure 15-01, do not share your username and password with another student or friend. Sharing of your user name and password will result in referral to Student Conduct.
Theft or damage of equipment in the lab will result in a referral to Student Conduct.
We are not responsible for personal items left unattended in the lab; keep all personal items with you at all times. Items left in the lab may be sent to Public Safety.
Individuals who are not Columbus State students are not allowed in the lab. Children should not be left unattended in the hallway.
Pods sometimes are reserved for classes. Do not sit at a pod with a reserved sign on the computers.
Lab Assistants or Technician can assist Faculty, Students, and Staff with software related issues; provide assistance with Cougarweb, blackboard, wireless connectivity, general assistance in the lab and troubleshooting immediate hardware problems. They do not do your class homework.