Board of Trustees
The Columbus State Community College Board of Trustees is a nine-member board appointed
by the Governor of Ohio for six-year terms. One seat is currently vacant.
Jump to: Board of Trustees Agendas & Minutes

John Ammendola, Chair
President and Chief Executive Officer
Grange Insurance

Sandy Doyle-Ahern, Vice Chair

James Fowler, Immediate Past Chair
Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Corrine M. Burger
Firmwide Chief Control Manager and Columbus Location Leader
JPMorgan Chase

Traci L. Martinez
Managing Partner, Columbus office
Squire Patton Boggs

Jerome Revish
Senior Vice President, Digital & Commercial Technologies
Cardinal Health

Rick Ritzler
Chief Talent Officer and Executive Vice President

Lorina W. Wise
Chief Human Resources Officer
Nationwide Children's Hospital