Forensic Science
Murder at the Acme Gizmo Factory I
Powder residue was found at the burned-out Acme Gizmo Factory. Can you use a flow
chart and simple chemical tests to determine the identity of this powder? Whose shoes
were covered with this powder?
Murder at the Acme Gizmo Factory II
Young detectives participate in a blood-typing exercise to determine the A-B-O blood
types of all the potential victims of the Acme Gizmo factory fire. Using skeletal
remains and DNA fingerprints allows the victim's identity to be determined.
Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?
Like Murder at the Acme Gizmo Factory II, this activity allows students to determine
the culprit's identity by using a blood typing activity. This activity can be customized,
and we'll use your student's names.