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Advanced Standing Nursing
Advanced Standing Admissions Requirements
Advanced Standing Information Session covers the most current curriculum plan.
It is highly recommended that those with an interest in nursing make an appointment to meet with a Health and Human Service Completion Advisor by calling (614)-287-2779.
There are two tracks available for the Nursing program, the blended track and the traditional track. Students may apply to only one track per application period. Admission to both tracks is competitive based on GPA and A2 results. All admission criteria must be met and on file either prior to or submitted with their application. Students will choose blended or traditional track upon application. Information about the admission criteria, application dates and admission process are posted on the Nursing Department Home Page: www.cscc.edu/nursing. Applicants should review Standards Essential for Nursing Students prior to applying to the Nursing Program. These are located on the Nursing Department Home Page. Admission into nursing requires completion of the following criteria:
1. Provide documentation of:
a. Completion from a practical nursing program or a valid Ohio practical nursing license
b. Ohio Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Medical Services Paramedic
Active Certificate to Practice (or)
c. Completion of Military Medic Training (Navy: HMOOO Basic Medical Technician/Corpsman);
(Air Force: BMTCP 4N0X1 Basic Medical Technician/Corpsman, IDMT 4N0X1C Independent
Duty Medical Technician); (Army: 68W Health Care Specialist/ Army Medic, 68WM6 Practical
2. High School Diploma or GED
Applicants must have a high school transcript, GED, or college transcript verifying
a degree on file with the College Records and Registration Office. Applicants should
verify their document(s) is on file prior to applying to the Nursing Program.
3. GPA or ACT score
Students applying to the Nursing Program must have college GPA of 2.6 or above. If
the applicant does not have a college GPA, then the applicant must have a high school
GPA of 2.6 or an ACT composite score of 18 or above. (ACT scores may be used within
the last 4 years from the date of the test.)
4. Nursing Information Session
Applicants must complete an online Nursing Program Advanced Standing to RN Route Information
5. Health Education Systems, Inc. (HESI) Admission Assessment (A2) Exam
Completion of the A2 Exam with a score of 75 is required for admission. This score
reflects a necessary reading, science, and math knowledge foundation to be successful
in the Nursing Program. Applicants are encouraged to utilize the Evolve Reach Admission
Assessment Exam Review by HESI prior to taking the A2 exam. This exam review is available
for purchase at the CSCC Bookstore. Scores from other schools will not be accepted.
A copy of the results must be submitted with the nursing application. The HESI A2
exam can be taken unlimited times but the HESI A2 score submitted must be within 4
years of application. HESI A2 Testing Procedure
Students found in violation of academic integrity resulting in a misconduct finding when taking the test are not permitted to use those results for application to Nursing, and are ineligible for application to Nursing if the application period is open or the next application period if the application is not open.
6. Math Placement
Students must place into STAT 1350 or complete coursework that will make them eligible
for STAT 1350
Additional Admission Information
1. Students seeking Advance Standing must complete a Prior Learning Assessment for "N" credit for some of the nursing courses in the nursing curriculum.
An Advance Standing student seeking admission to the nursing program through prior learning assessment utilizes the Advanced Standing to RN Route Application. Students in this route will take NURS 1113 Transition to Registered Nursing prior to beginning the clinical course sequence.
Each student seeking Advance Standing will be given 'N" credit based on an individual evaluation of previous course work completed. N credit for courses will not be applied until the student meets any licensure and or certification requirements. Licensure and or certification in the state of Ohio must be obtained and active without restrictions prior to entrance into NURS 1873.
Applicants must meet admission criteria and have credit on their Columbus State transcript prior to admission to the program to be eligible for assessment of prior learning. Courses include:
BIO 2300 (Human Anatomy) with a "C" or better
COLS 1100 (First Year Experience Seminar) if needed
Advanced standing students will enroll in the sequence of NURS courses at the next opportunity after being offered admission to Nursing. Students who do not start after being offered acceptance into NURS 1113 may re-apply if they have not previously used their second opportunity to enter the program. Advisement for this situation should be sought from the academic advisor assigned in the Nursing Department (HHS Advising).
It is highly recommended that students complete as many of the support courses as possible prior to entering the nursing program: PSY 1100 (Introduction to Psychology), ENG 1100 (Composition I), BIO 2301 (Human Physiology), PSY 2340 (Human Growth and Development), BIO 2215 (Introduction to Microbiology), STAT 1350 (Elementary Statistics) and one approved open general education course. Refer to the college catalog and nursing plan of study found on the college website.
2. The Columbus State admissions application form is online at https://www.cscc.edu/admissions/getstarted/. If it has been more than three years since you attended classes at Columbus State, call (614) 287-2453 or 1-800-621-6407 ext. 2453 to reactivate your student file.
3. Please see the form posted for directions on how to complete the HESI A2. HESI A2 Testing Procedure
4. To obtain information about the processing of college transfer credit from another institution visit https://www.cscc.edu/services/registrar/transcript-evaluation.shtml
5. Please be advised of the following:
A. From the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4723.09 License Application:
(b) For an applicant who entered a prelicensure nursing education program on or after
June 1, 2003, the results of a criminal records check conducted in accordance with
section 4723.091 of the Revised Code demonstrate that the applicant is not ineligible
for licensure as specified in section 4723.092 of the Revised Code (c) For all applicants,
the board determines that the applicant has not committed any act that is grounds
for disciplinary action under section 3123.47 or 4723.28 of the Revised Code or determines
that an applicant who has committed any act that is grounds for disciplinary action
under either section has made restitution or has been rehabilitated, or both.
B. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the Nursing Program Chairperson
of felony convictions as admission may be revoked due to clinical placement denial.
C. From the Ohio Revised Code 4723-5-12:
(13) A student shall not self-administer or otherwise take into the body any dangerous
drug, as defined in section 4729.01 of the Revised Code, in any way not in accordance
with a legal valid prescription issued for the student, or self-administer or otherwise
take into the body any drug that is a schedule I controlled substance. (14) A student
shall not habitually or excessively indulge in the use of controlled substances, other
habit-forming drugs or alcohol or other chemical substances to an extent that impairs
ability to practice. (15) A student shall not have impairment of the ability to practice
according to acceptable and prevailing standards of safe nursing care because of the
use of drugs, alcohol, or other chemical substances. (16) A student shall not have
impairment of the ability to practice according to acceptable and prevailing standards
of safe nursing care because of a physical or mental disability.
6. Admission to Nursing is offered for a specific semester only. Students who decline the offer of admission or who fail to respond must re-apply if they wish to be considered for a future class and must meet the admission criteria in effect for that class. Students can only be admitted to the Nursing Program twice.
7. A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all Nursing, Science, Psychology, English, Math, and NURC courses in the curriculum. Students accepted to Nursing who do not achieve a minimum grade of "C" or better in any of the following support courses must retake the course (s) prior to the start of their NURS classes or during the semester in which the course(s) is (are) required in the curriculum plan, in order to remain a student in good standing in the program: BIO 2300 (Human Anatomy), BIO 2301 (Human Physiology), PSY 1100 (Introduction to Psychology), ENGL 1100 (Composition I), STAT 1350 (Elementary Statistics), PSY 2340 (Human Growth and Development), and BIO 2215 (Introduction to Microbiology) and one approved open general education course.
8. Columbus State Community College makes every effort to inform prospective students of the admission requirements for the Nursing Program. Students are responsible for maintaining awareness of the application periods, of the admission requirements and any changes made to those requirements over time. Any questions about admission criteria should be directed to Columbus State Health and Human Service Advisors at (614) 287-2779 and Columbus State Nursing Homepage www.cscc.edu/nursing.
9. Clinical agencies have set requirements for patient safety. Students accepted to the program will be informed of the specific requirements for health, fingerprinting, drug screening, essential duties, and CPR which must be met prior to starting and while continuing the NURS sequence of courses.
10. Once a student accepts an offer of admission to a particular track (blended or traditional) the student must start in the admitted track and complete one semester before applying for a track change. Only one change is permitted.
Contact the Nursing Department at 614-287-2506 for any questions.