Severe Weather Policy
Broadcast Announcements
In the event that Columbus State must close or alter its operating schedule because of severe winter weather or other emergencies, an announcement will be broadcast on the following television and radio stations:
Radio Stations
Emergency text message alerts
Sign up for Rave to get text message alerts for emergencies or snow days.
Weather alerts from local stations
Columbus State notifies the local media when emergency closings occur due to severe weather. Local television channels 4, 6, and 10 each have a service that allows individuals to receive emergency weather-related emails or texts.
WSYX (Channel 6), WTTE (Channel 28) and WBNS (Channel 10) will email alerts to you, while WCMH (Channel 4) will send a text alert to your cell phone. You simply go online, select “text alerts” or “email alerts,” enter your information at the prompts, and you are all signed up.
Snow Emergencies
Students who reside in areas which fall under a Level III Weather Emergency should not attempt to drive to Columbus State even if the college remains open. A level III emergency means all roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel.
Consult your course syllabus for information on the makeup of missed laboratories and clinicals. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with reading and other assignments when a scheduled class does not meet, whatever the reason.
Scheduled Class Work
If an assignment is due on the day the college is closed, or the class is canceled, the assignment will be collected at the next scheduled class period. If an examination is scheduled for a day the campus is closed, or the class is canceled, the examination will be given on the next scheduled class day. If a laboratory is scheduled on a day the campus is closed, it will be made up at the next scheduled laboratory class. In the event the college is forced to close during Final Examination Week, daytime exams scheduled for the first missed date will be rescheduled for Friday of Exams Week, in the same location and at the same time as scheduled.
Extended Closure
If the college remains closed for a second day, the daytime exams scheduled for that day will be given on Saturday of Exams Week at the same time and place. Exams scheduled for additional dates during Finals Week that are missed will be scheduled for another date that will be announced to all students. See the college’s Final Exam schedule posted on the Academic Calendar page.