English courses can help students develop a wide range of skills that are beneficial
in all areas of life. Critical thinking and effective communication skills, for example,
are in high demand among employers. These kinds of skills also help people to be more
active, engaged, and thoughtful regarding making change in the world. Learning how
to scaffold thinking, research, reading, and writing processes can help with the rest
of a student's degree program.
We have recently added a specialized associate of arts degree for students planning to transfer: Associate of Arts - English Degree
The menu to your right includes links to our course offerings, faculty and staff contact information, the Writing Center, English related events and publications, current department initiatives, and additional English resources. Feel free to stop by or contact the English Department if you have any further questions.
Department Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
We, the English department, recognize our responsibility to foster an inclusive, equitable,
and accessible learning community that provides every member of the CSCC community
with the opportunity to succeed. We acknowledge that academic institutions have not
always fairly served BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ populations,
members of disability communities, and underrepresented groups. We seek to address
these realities and acknowledge and respect diverse identities and voices in our courses,
curriculum, and workspaces.
We value open, civil dialogue, linguistic diversity, and the power of language, and
we commit to supporting practices of antiracist and anti-oppression teaching and learning.
Students and faculty will devote time and effort toward these commitments through
diverse course materials and activities aimed at the creation of equitable environments
for learning and personal growth.
English Department Hours of Operation (Nestor Hall 420)
Monday - Thursday: 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for in-person inquiries
Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for virtual inquiries
@ bmroczkowski@cscc.edu, or by calling (614) 287-2531
Teach With Us
If you are interested in teaching with us, please review the following interview tips and check our currently available positions.