Systems Portfolio
The Comprehensive Quality Review (CQR) visit where Higher Learning Commission Peer Reviewers will visit the campus is scheduled for Oct 28-30, 2019. Ongoing accreditation duties will be managed by Bruce Massis, Accreditation Liaison Officer and David Tom, Faculty Fellow for Accreditation.
2018 Systems Appraisal Feedback Report
Quality Highlights Report-2019
Portfolios & Appraisal Feedback Reports
Comprehensive Quality Review Visit 2019 and 2012 Checkup Visit Documents
Delaware Campus, Regional Learning Centers & Industry Outreach Sites
- Delaware Campus Site Visit Response Letter
- Delaware Campus Site Visit Response to Questions
- Higher Learning Commission Documents from 2010
- Multi-Location Visit Report for Reynoldsburg and ETC 2015
- Multi-Location Report for Bolton and Dublin
The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) is an assessment tool that provides information on student engagement, a key indicator of learning and, therefore, of the quality of community colleges. The survey, administered to community college students, asks questions that assess institutional practices and student behaviors that are correlated highly with student learning and student retention.
The Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) elicits information from faculty about their perceptions regarding students' educational experiences, their teaching practices, and the ways they spend their professional time—both in and out of the classroom. Faculty and students are asked similar questions enabling us to compare perceptions of engagement for faculty and students.
The Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) helps community and technical colleges focus on the "front door" of the college experience. Grounded in research about what works in retaining and supporting entering students, SENSE collects and analyzes data about institutional practices and student behaviors in the earliest weeks of college. These data can help colleges understand students' critical early experiences and improve institutional practices that affect student success in the first college year.
CCSSE 2023
CCSSE 2017
Columbus State Community College Custom Survey Items
Promising Practices - Special Focus
Columbus State Faculty-Only Responses
Columbus State Student and Faculty Comparisons
Responses from all faculty in the national CCFSSE survey
Comparisons between all faculty and all students in the national survey
SENSE 2017
CCSSE 2015
Columbus State Community College Custom Survey Items
Columbus State Faculty-Only Responses
Columbus State Student and Faculty Comparisons
Survey Cohort Reports
- Responses from all faculty in the national CCFSSE survey
- Comparisons between all faculty and all students in the national survey
SENSE 2015
CCSSE 2013
All Students
Less Than Full-Time & Full-Time Enrollment Status
Columbus State Community College Custom Survey Items
CCSSE Special-Focus Items - Promising Practices
2013 Faculty Survey (CCFSSE) Reports
Student and Faculty Frequency Distribution for comparable items
Faculty Frequency Distributions for faculty-only questions
Faculty Promising Practices Frequency Distribution
2013 Survey of Entering Student Engagement
All Entering Students 2013 Cohort
Entering & Returning Students at Columbus State Community College
Standard Reports for Columbus State Community College
All Entering Students
Less Than Full-Time & Full-Time (Enrollment Status)
Noel-Levitz Surveys
In 2014, almost 3,000 Columbus State students chose to participate in the Noel Levitz student satisfaction survey. This respected survey, in conjunction with CCSSE, the Community College Survey of Student Engagement, is an important measure of college programs and initiatives.
- Student Satisfaction Inventory (2018)
- Survey Reports (2018)
- Student-Satisfaction Interpretative Guide (2018)
- Student Satisfaction Comparison -2017 and 2018
- Student Satisfaction Comparison - 2014 and 2017
- The Student-Satisfaction Interpretative Guide (2017)
- Student Satisfaction Inventory (2017)
- Survey Reports - in web form (2017)
- The Student Satisfaction Survey Guide (December 2014)
- Student Satisfaction Inventory (December 2014)
- Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys (December 2014)
- Survey Reports - in web form (2014)