Textbooks, Deadlines and Other Resources
Outstanding student support is one of our top priorities at Columbus State. Students taking college courses through the College Credit Plus program have access to the same resources as any other Columbus State student, including tutoring, Accessibility Services, career exploration, and more.
Helpful College Resources
Dates and Deadlines
For a list of important dates, deadlines, holidays and other school closing dates, please refer to the Columbus State Academic Calendar.
CCP Advising
College Credit Plus Academic Advisors at Columbus State help high school students enrolled in the CCP program develop their schedules and academic plans. Your College Credit Plus Academic Advisor is here to help you understand your academic and career pathways and to support you as you make decisions about your academic courses.
To contact the CCP Advising team and/or schedule an appointment, please locate your CCP advisor here.
Qualifying Courses
Courses that are eligible for college credit and College Credit Plus funding
Participating high schools and middle schools are required to have a list of eligible college courses posted on their website, so students wishing to earn both college credit and credit toward high school graduation requirements should consult their school’s/district’s CCP list.
Students are not limited to only taking courses approved by their school, and may take any eligible course from any community college or university that they are accepted to for transferrable college credit. Courses that are not eligible for CCP funding may be taken on a self-pay basis.
Qualifying college courses are divided into two levels:
Courses for students who have not yet completed at least 15 transferable credit hours, courses that apply toward a certificate or pathway, study skills and/or academic success courses, and courses in the areas of computer science, information technology, anatomy, physiology, foreign language or American Sign Language.
Columbus State College Credit Plus Eligible Level I Courses
Additional circumstances under which a Level I course may be applied toward a certificate or degree prior to taking a Level II course:
(a) Upon successful completion of a Level I course in a specific subject, a student may take a Level II course in the same subject prior to completing the fifteen semester credit hours required by this division.
(b) A student may take a Level II course that has a Level I course as a prerequisite if the student has demonstrated by an assessment or other means that he/she is academically prepared for the course.
(c) A student may count an advanced placement or international baccalaureate diploma course completed at the student’s secondary school toward the fifteen semester credit hours of courses required by this division with evidence that the student attained the required score on an examination covering the coursework (Columbus State requires a 3 or above on AP exams).
Once students have completed 15 hours of college credit, they can enroll in any course
that is not on the ‘non-allowable' list. Enrollment in Level Two courses will be based
on prerequisites and course availability.
Helpful Resources for Course Planning
Explore Columbus State majors through our Career and Academic Pathways.
Self-Pay and Pre-College (Developmental) Courses
Once you are admitted to Columbus State, you are free to take any course you choose but, not all courses will be financially covered by CCP. Be sure you understand which courses are eligible for CCP funding. Courses not on your school’s eligibility list may be taken on a self-pay basis which will be the student's financial responsibility.
How to Obtain Course Materials if you are a CCP Student
Online Orientation
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce mandates that all CCP students attend an orientation. Columbus State strongly encourages all CCP students complete an orientation prior to the start of their first semester.The College Credit Plus Online Orientation lasts between 1-2 hours and should be completed in a single session. Access the online orientation.
Graduating Seniors
Congratulations on completing College Credit Plus classes through Columbus State. That smart move gave you a great head start to college! Whether you decide to continue at Columbus State or explore other options, we are here to support you.
- Continuing at Columbus State
- Graduating Senior Checklist - for students continuing at Columbus State
- Career Services
- CCP Senior Exit Survey (Available April - May)
- Transferring your CCP credit to another college