Exploration Programs - Hosting Opportunities
Career Services offers two exploratory programs for undecided students to assist with
career decision making and planning.
Career Conversations:
Matches students with a professional host for a one time informational interview to get key questions answered regarding a particular career.
Time Commitment: 30 Minutes - 1 Hour
Matches students with a professional host in a chosen industry for a company tour
and job shadow.
Time Commitment: 1-3 hours, typically
Benefits of serving as an Exploration Programs Host:
- The ability to assist students in making an informed career decision through sharing
key insights regarding one's career path.
- The opportunity to aid students with their career planning, while also introducing
them to your company or organization.
What is required of an Exploration Programs Host?
- Commit to meeting with one student, one time only within the semester of participation (hosting additional students is optional).
- Complete a survey to provide your feedback after meeting with your assigned student
for either an informational interview or job shadow.
How do I register?
Registration opens at the beginning of both Autumn and Spring semesters. Hosts will
be informed by mid-semester whether or not they have been matched with a student and
will receive additional instructions at that time.
Contact Amy Hawkins, Exploration Programs Coordinator at ahawkins32@cscc.edu or 614-287-3832 for more information.