Registration Tips & Course Planning
When making plans for which courses to take in the next semester, students should consult their Plan of Study, Degree Audit, and Academic Advisor.
Plan of Study
Students should be familiar with their department’s web page for the most up to date information about their major, such as courses required for graduation, admission criteria for the major, faculty contact information, career information, and plans of study. Plans of study map out what is required to graduate.
Click here to see a complete list of web links to CSCC Majors and Programs
Blank Semester to Semester Plan
My Academic Plan and Degree Audit
The Degree Audit allows students to see how completed and in-progress courses apply toward a degree or certificate, as well as what courses are still needed for graduation.
My Academic Plan and Degree Audit
Number of Credits
The number of credits students schedule varies based on their personal circumstances
(jobs, family responsibilities, finances, etc.).
It is necessary to budget at least 3 hours per week for each credit on your schedule.
For example, 12 credits will take about 36 hours per week. That is why it is considered
Students with an established GPA (above a 3.0) who have enough time available (at least 40 hours per week) to make school their full-time job, may be able to take more credits than those who have not attended college recently, work more than 20 hours per week, or have struggled in prior semesters.
Be careful not to "over-schedule" by taking too many credits. This usually results
in poor grades and/or the necessity to drop classes which impacts students negatively
in many ways.
Successful students are realistic about how much time they have to dedicate to school
and they schedule accordingly. It is better to earn higher grades on fewer courses
than it is to struggle, and perhaps fail, by over-committing yourself.
Many courses require "prerequisites". Those are things that must be successfully completed before being allowed to register for a course. Prerequisites are listed in the Course Descriptions.
Course Schedules
When looking at the Course Schedules (days and times), you will note that some course sections may have few "seats" still available or may be filled altogether (zero or "0" seats will show) because of class size limitations. It is always a good idea to register as early as possible. Registration dates are listed on the Academic Calendar.