You may submit up to two proposals, but each must be on a different topic and submitted
as a separate document.
Call for Proposal Directions (.docx)
To submit a presentation proposal, please follow these guidelines:
- E-mail proposals as attachments in Microsoft Word (2003, 2007, or 2010) or rich text
(RTF) format.
- Be detailed, but limit proposals to 250 words.
- Include the presentation title and a description of the presentation and exercise.
- Include a jpg. photo of the presenter.
- Include a brief bio of the presenter, highlighting awards, education, and/or publication
- List any additional equipment or accommodations you might request and why (e.g., a
table to display related computer software).
- Provide contact information, including full name, e-mail address, mailing address,
and phone number.
Please e-mail your proposals to Mike Wright, Conference Co-Chair, at
Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 1, 2019 to be considered.