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Elimination of Late Registration

Columbus State does not permit late registration because we want students to be successful. Research shows that students who register for a class after it starts often get lower grades, fail the class, or drop out. It’s important for students to be present the first day of class to hear course information and expectations, and to begin initial assignments.

Students can register for a class up until the first session begins. Registration for web-based and blended courses is open until the day before the course begins. In both cases, students cannot register after the course begins, and faculty cannot sign students into a course after the first day of class.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.   Students can register for in-class courses up until the first class session meets. Registration for web-based and blended courses is open until the day before the course begins.

No. Registration is not permitted after the first class has convened, and instructors are no longer allowed to sign students into a course after the first class. If you go to a class that you are not registered for, you must approach the instructor on the first day of class to ask permission to join prior to the class session starting, and you must be present the entire first class. If you are present during the first class, the instructor may add you via paper form or electronically through Blackboard. However, there is no guarantee that instructors will be able to sign you in on the first day of class, and they are not obligated to do so.

You can look at the course schedule to see if there are other class sections that are still open for registration or talk with an advisor.

If space is available prior to the course’s start time, you can register. Once a first class has met, registration is not permitted regardless of course availability. Instead, check to see if there are other sections that have not met yet and enroll in those or talk with an advisor.

If you enrolled on time and have been attending class from the beginning, you may request a section change. Section changes (different meeting times of the same course subject, number and term) require permission from the instructor of the class you wish to add. Please be aware that changing courses may necessitate billing adjustments.

  1. Contact the instructor of the class section you wish to switch into (by email or by attending the class) and provide them with documentation that you have been participating in the section you will be leaving (prior grades and/or an email from the instructor of the class you plan to leave).
  2. Your course drop will be completed simultaneously with the course add. Students should not drop their class in anticipation of a section change. 

Therefore, if the instructor gives permission:

    • The instructor can submit permission for the section switch in BORIPF (Blackboard Online Request Instructor Permission Form) OR
    • If the instructor is unable to provide permission for the section switch that way, they can sign and date an Add/Drop form and you can submit the Add/Drop form to Student Central.

* If you are requesting a section change after the third week of the semester, the department chairperson will also be required to approve the change

No, this request isn't classified as a section change because the sections fall under different terms. Since classes are structured differently, switching between them isn’t possible. If a course section is dropped after its 100% refund deadline and a new flex-term section is added, students will be responsible for tuition and fees for both the dropped section and the new section, based on the date of the change. Students can add/drop classes online through Self Service, by phone at 614-287-5353 or in person at Student Central. Students with extenuating circumstances should review the Tuition Adjustment Request policy to see if they may be eligible.  

First, double check with Student Central to verify you need another course since most financial aid adjusts depending on the number of hours you take. Then, check course offerings online to see if Late-term or Flex-term classes are options.

Please see your advisor immediately to discuss alternate late-term classes. We strongly encourage students to work with an advisor to plan classes and register in advance to avoid registration issues.

The window of opportunity is the same. Registration for web-based and blended courses is open until the day before the course begins. Registration is not permitted once class time has passed.

College Credit Plus (CCP) students taking online and on-campus at any Columbus State location will not be allowed to register after the first day of class. CCP students taking CCP courses at their high schools follow a different enrollment process and are exempt from this policy.

In some extreme cases, Chairs of academic departments may authorize permission for a student to be added to a course through the first week. Department Chairs are the only people that may provide this permission. Students may email the Chairperson, or visit their office, to explain their circumstances. Adding a course after the first week of classes is extremely rare, and requires approval from a division Dean. 

You may be added to your courses as usual. Learn more about the Good as Gold registration process by following this link.