Columbus State utilizes an online hosted application to maintain its curriculum change
submission, review and approval process. CurriQunet is the single source of status
changes and to view the approved and active curriculum for the college. Faculty utilize
the system to author changes to existing courses and programs or to launch new course
or program proposals for consideration. The college uses the system to generate the
college catalog, marketing materials and web content relative to curriculum.
Access to and training for the tool can be obtained by contacting the Office of Curriculum
Management. The materials below serve as resources for the work supporting the curriculum,
changes to it, and the review and approval process.
CurriQunet Guides
Viewing Courses and Programs in CurriQunet
Creating a Course Proposal
Creating a New Course Proposal
Creating a HUM XXXX option
Creating a Program Modification Proposal
Creating a New Program Proposal
Creating a Program Deactivation Proposal
Originator View of making changes and submitting it back into workflow
Steps for reviewing and approving a course in CurriQunet CT