Audit Reports
The College and the Development Foundation are required by law to be audited every
year by the Auditor of State, which is accomplished by the College and the Foundation
contracting with one the of the audit firms approved by the Auditor of State. The
reports are due to the Auditor of State by October 15th each year for the fiscal year
ended June 30. The audit report is a good way to gain an understanding about the fiscal
health of the college, as well as a summary about what has happened during the year,
and what things might affect the college in the future, which is found in the Management
Discussion and Analysis right after the auditor’s reports. The Development Foundation
is reported as a component unit of the College. The link to the College’s and the
Development Foundations audits is below in the “Helpful Links” section.
A summary of the College audit is presented at the Board of Trustees Meeting in January
each year, for the previous year. The link to locate the Board of Trustees Agendas
is below in the “Helpful Links” section.
You and your teams are an integral part of making the audit a success. The work that
you do every day, such as following policies and procedures for things such as Purchasing
and Bid Requirements or Travel Requests and Expenses (to name a few) helps to make
the audit successful every year.
2023 Columbus State Community College Audit
2023 Columbus State Development Foundation Audit
Helpful links
Board of Trustees Agendas & Minutes