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- Faculty Entry, Training & Professional Development Committee (FETPD)
Faculty Entry, Training & Professional Development Committee (FETPD)
This site is currently being updated. Please contact profdevfund@cscc.edu for clarification.
Faculty Entry, Training, and Professional Development (FETPD): The committee addresses issues regarding continuing professional development of faculty, to include tenure-track faculty (TTF) and annually contracted faculty (ACF). The committee establishes guidelines and procedures for allocation of faculty professional development funds (which by our CSEA union contract is considered a faculty benefit), and determines the distribution of discretionary professional development funds. The committee reviews current practices, recommends new practices, as needed or appropriate and works within the guidelines set by Ohio Ethics Law. The committee works closely with the FPDi to achieve these goals.
Requesting Professional Development Funds
Professional development funds are available to all tenure track and annually contracted faculty. Funding is granted with the oversight of the faculty member’s department and the FETPD Committee. These funds can be used by any tenure track or annually contracted faculty member to:
- Maintain/renew/establish the licensure/certification/credentials for offering/teaching/supervising a course/program
- Maintain/renew/establish course/program accreditation
- Gather/discuss ideas or generate support towards a curricular update or new course/program offering
- Obtain professional development or continuing education related to accreditation/curriculum
- Obtain professional development or continuing education related to pedagogy/techniques/technologies
- Gather/discuss ideas or generate support towards initiatives to promote student success and the College’s mission other
To apply for these funds follow the procedure in the PD request form guideline (also summarized in the application process overview that can be found below). Any questions regarding this process should be addressed to Profdevfund@cscc.edu.
Magna Mentor Subscription
This subscription gives everyone on campus access to over 400 videos on various professional development topics ranging from teaching pedagogy and diversity to curriculum issues and student success and leadership. There really is something for everyone! There are 3 parts to our access; 20 minutes Mentor commons, Magna Commons, and The Teaching Professor Newsletter. All three are accessed via the same log-in. Click here to access the Magna Digital Library.
You may need one or several of the following forms to complete your professional development funds request.
- Application process overview
- Professional Development Funding Request
- Professional Development Funding Guidelines
- Request travel and reimbursement through Workday.
- What Form Do I Need - Tips Sheet
Committee Members
G. Matthew Adkins, A&S, Humanities
Tim Davis, A&S, Humanities
William Driscoll, A&S, English
Mark Earley, A&S, Mathematics
Elizabeth Hammond, A&S, Psychology and Education (Co-Chair)
Robyn Lyons-Robinson, A&S, English
Karen Rippe, A&S, Biological and Physical Sciences
Madeline Cardona-Lebron, BET, Information Systems Technology
Lydia Gilmore, BET, Business Programs (Co-Chair)
Melissa D'Aurora, BET, Business Programs
Yvette Johnson, HHS, Vet, Imaging, and Surgical Tech
Mandi Mauck, HHS, Nursing
Louis Ricciardi, HHS, Human Services
LaSalle Jackson, BET, Business Programs
Elizabeth Hammond
FETPD Co-Chair