Operational Budget
Overview of Resource Planning and Analysis/Budget
Resource Planning & Analysis (RPA) is responsible for preparing the College's operating budget in collaboration with the campus community, and for conducting financial analyses as necessary to ensure the prudent stewardship of the College's financial resources. RPA provides the campus community with objective, accurate and timely information and analyses for informing strategic planning and central decision-making which leads to sound fiscal forecasting.
Working closely with Academic Affairs, EMSS and all Administrative areas, RPA coordinates the budgeting process, prepares financial projections, and provides detailed financial analyses including cost/benefit analysis, data trend analysis and forecasting.
You may contact RPA directly to inquire about your budget or to request assistance with any financial analyses at 614-287-5696.
Resource Planning and Analysis (RPA) is responsible for planning of the current fiscal year’s expected or projected spending. Projected spending is updated each month on the College’s financial statements as analyses of enrollment and spending dictate it to be necessary. Financial statements are published every other month starting with January. Exhibit B within the financial statement contains the College’s projections and can be found by selecting the desired month to review.
Special Analyses
As business needs change and/or priorities change, RPA will perform analyses to determine the impact to revenue and projected spending. To request an analysis, please contact RPA at 614-287-5696 and select the appropriate person. If you are unsure who to contact, please select “1” for assistance. Requests for financial analyses can also be sent by email to budget@cscc.edu.
Budget training for the Colleague to Workday transition will be coming soon. The training resources will be shared as they become available.
Note: You may contact RPA directly to inquire about training you might need at 614-287-5696 or email budget@cscc.edu.
Amending a budget is important as it helps organizations to ensure they are operating within their financial boundaries while still meeting their business goals. The purpose of amending a budget is to adjust the budget based on changes in business requirements, new priorities or changes in financial circumstances. Amending an existing budget either increases or decreases funds to various budget categories and/or cost centers. In Workday, budget amendments can be initiated by cost center managers, authorized personnel, and/or the budget office. The system ensures the changes to the budget are tracked and visible to all relevant stakeholders.
Amending a budget at the line level detail is no longer necessary in the non-payroll accounts. As long as you have budget as a whole in the non-payroll accounts, you can spend from the necessary account even if it does not have budget. Payroll and benefit budgets do not factor into the parameter of the budget checking process in Workday with regards to the non-payroll check.
To move expense, see Accounting Adjustment.