Columbus State Community College Contracts
A contract is an agreement between two or more parties creating obligations that are
enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. A contract can come in many forms, such
as a memorandum of understanding, personal service agreement, licensing agreement,
affiliation agreement, revenue generating agreement, purchasing agreement, grant agreement,
and sponsorship agreement. If uncertain if a document is a contract, discuss the issue
with your cabinet member or administrator.
Legal Review
Legal review is not required if the most recent approved CSCC Contract Template is
used. As these templates have already been reviewed and approved by the College's
legal counsel, it is in the College's best interest to use the College's templates,
for both legal compliance and expediency of the contract routing process. Additionally,
all contracts must use the Contract Routing and Approval Form. This helps to both accelerate workflow and guide users through the proper routing
process. Templates are linked at the bottom of this page.
All non-College contracts must be reviewed and approved for compliance with Ohio law by the College's legal counsel. Requests for legal review must also be accompanied by the Contract Routing and Approval Form. Contracts are reviewed by legal counsel for policy and legal ramifications and recommendations will be made accordingly to protect the College's interests. It is best to contact the College's legal counsel at the beginning of the contract negotiation process. (Submit a Request Here)
Departments/Divisions must be prepared to make decisions on the business terms of the contract, as well as monitor compliance with the contract throughout its term.
Basic Contract Requirements
1. Authorization
All College contracts must be in writing and signed by both parties. Any signature
representing Columbus State must be obtained from the appropriate individuals with
signature authority for the contract, preferably after the other party has reviewed/signed
the contract.
All contracts will require two Columbus State signatures: The administrator responsible for the contract and his/her supervisor. Individuals authorized to sign contracts are the President, Cabinet members, and direct reports to Cabinet members who are administrators. See Purchasing Authorizations and Signature Approval Protocol memo. Any contract that exceeds $50,000 must be signed by a Cabinet member (or their designee) and the President.
Any individuals acting on behalf of the College who engage in a contract without authorization can be held personally liable for the terms and conditions of the contract. See Policy No. 9-03, and Procedure 9-03(H).
Contracts that do not result in an expenditure of College funds or otherwise bind the College financially but create other legal obligations, such as clinical affiliations and other partnerships, must be signed by a Cabinet member (or their designee). See Signature Protocol memo.
2. Contracting Parties
The contracting party for all College contracts is "Columbus State Community College."
If the other party is a corporation, organization or other legal entity, the contract
should include its correct, full legal name and address.
3. Other Basic Terms and Conditions
All contracts should clearly state the following information:
a. The name of the parties;
b. The term of the agreement (i.e. the start date and the end date) and, if applicable,
procedure for termination;
c. The terms of payment (including amount, timing and to whom payment is made);
d. The contract is governed by the laws of the State of Ohio; and
e. Signature lines for the appropriate parties.
Prohibited or Problematic Provisions
The following contract provisions are either prohibited by applicable law or problematic.
1. Indemnification/Hold Harmless:
In general, the College as an instrumentality of the State of Ohio cannot indemnify
or "hold harmless" the other party in a contract. During negotiations, every effort
should be made by the Department to remove these provisions from the contract. If
you are unable to remove these provisions, please note this on the Contract Routing
and Approval Form.
2. Choice of Law/Governing Law/Jurisdiction/Venue/Arbitration:
Any provision that calls for the College to submit to any jurisdiction other than
the Ohio Court of Claims must be deleted. Also, Ohio law must govern all contracts.
Similarly, agreements to waive jury trial or submit to arbitration for resolving disputes
are prohibited. If you are unable to exclude or modify these provisions, please note
this on the Contract Routing and Approval Form.
3. Confidentiality:
As an instrumentality of the State of Ohio, the College is subject to Ohio Public
Records laws. A public records act notification provision should be added into all
College contracts.
A contract cannot require the college to unconditionally promise to keep records/information confidential. There are some limited exceptions to this rule, and after legal analysis alternative/compromise language may be crafted.
4. Liability/Insurance:
Ohio law provides limitations on damages for wrongful death or injury to persons or
property for state universities. A College contract should include a provision referencing
the limitations.
Contract provisions that require the College to maintain certain types or amounts of insurance may be in conflict with the College's coverage. Contact legal counsel/Business Services for assistance with these clauses.
5. Biennium/Sufficient Funds/Treasurer's Certification:
The College is prohibited from agreeing to pay specific sums of money beyond the current
biennium (2 year fiscal period) without revenue or appropriations. The term of a College's
contract should be limited to the state fiscal biennium (July 1 of each odd year and
ends on June 30 of the next odd year) though the contract may provide for renewal
at the discretion of the College.
All contracts must be encumbered and have a treasurer's certification of funds.
6. Other Recommended Provisions:
a. Findings for Recovery – Contractor must warrant that they are not subject to an
"unresolved" finding for recovery issued by the Auditor of State when public property
has been misspent or misappropriated.
b. Non-discrimination Clause – The Contractor must agree to not discriminate by reason
of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, genetic
information (GINA), military status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, status as a parent
of a young child, status as a nursing mother, status as a foster parent, and gender
identity and expression against any citizen of this state in the employment of any
person qualified and available to perform the work.
c. Ethics Law – The Contractor must agree to comply with the ethics and conflict of
interest requirements of law and Board of Trustees policy.
d. Ohio's Drug Free Workplace Policy (contractors working on state property) - The
Contractor must agree to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws
regarding smoke-free and drug-free work places.
- Columbus State Purchasing, Policy 9-03
- Columbus State Purchasing Procedures, Procedure 9-03(H)
- Doing Business with Columbus State
- Columbus State Grants Office
- Essential Contract Terms for State Entities under Ohio Law
- State contracts - invalid terms and conditions (Ohio Revised Code 9.27)
Forms for Columbus State Employees
- Columbus State Purchasing Authorizations and Signature Approval Protocol Memo
- Columbus State Employees Forms Page
- Contract Routing and Approval Form
- Contract Workflow Chart
Contract Templates
- Contractor (Vendor) Template (.doc)
- Personal Services Agreement Template (.doc)
- Clinical Affiliation Agreement (.doc)
- Revenue Generating Contract Template (.doc)
- Addendum to Extend a Contract (.doc)
- Ohio Provisions Addendum (.doc)
- FERPA Addendum Template (docx)