Participation Census Reporting
Columbus State Community College is required by federal law to verify and monitor the enrollment of students who participate in Federal Title IV student aid programs. It is our responsibility to verify students are actively engaged in the course as demonstrated by meaningful efforts toward completion of the course.
Beginning Summer Semester 2022, all students currently registered for courses will be presented for review of participation by the faculty member each reporting window. Faculty will be presented with the full course roster to review and indicate the student’s current participation up until that point in the semester.
The 'Participation Census Reporting' procedure, required to be completed by all faculty, allows the college to effectively track students who never begin participation, who fail to be actively engaged in their courses or stop participating during the term.
Active engagement may be further defined as: completion of graded course assignments (homework, quiz, essay, project, or lab); active participation in studio or practicum sessions; making content-related contributions to an online discussion forum (including responses both to prompts and to student/instructor posts).
During each semester, there will be a total of three reporting windows faculty may be asked to complete. Faculty will be required to review their class rosters and report the student's participation. Once each reporting window closes, reporting will trigger Financial Aid evaluations which may affect some students; however, all reported participation information will remain as part of the course record.
To view step by step instructions, please see the Participation Census Reporting Faculty User Guide.