Competitive Bid Process
The purchasing function is decentralized with the majority of the vendor selection
decisions being made at the department level. Making the initial contact with the
appropriate buyer is a critical first step to successfully participating in the procurement
All competitive bids will be solicited by the Purchasing/Accounts Payable office or
by its authorized agents in operating departments pursuant to the established procedures.
The Purchasing/Accounts Payable office reserves the right to obtain competitive quotations
regardless of dollar value whenever, in its judgment, the quotations may serve in
the College’s best interest. For more details regarding bidding requirements, please
see Procedure 9-03 (H), section 8.
- The RFP/RFQ form is a template to help formulate an RFP/RFQ.
- The Bid Summary form will be completed after the bids are received back from the vendors.
- The Waiver of Competitive bidding is used instead of a formal RFP/RFQ bidding process
providing there is proper justification.
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