Warehouse and Asset or Equipment Disposal
When a cost center manager determines that non-IT, telecommunications and AV property
is no longer needed, the cost center manager should complete and submit a Surplus
Property & Supplies Disposal/Transfer Form and route the completed, approved form
to Mail & Distribution Services, mailroom@cscc.edu, for processing.
If it is determined that the property may be useful elsewhere in the college, Mail
& Distribution Services will coordinate with the cost center manager to have the property
delivered to a designated warehouse, where it will be labeled and made available to
other departments.
Please fill out the form at the link below and follow the approval process for TRANSFER.
If the property is deemed not useful, the cost center manager will be contacted and
advised that they need to follow the approval process for DISPOSAL on the Surplus
Property & Supplies Disposal/Transfer Form.
Please fill out the form at the link below and follow the approval process for DISPOSAL
Surplus Property Disposal or Transfer Form
Rather than purchasing items brand-new, it is always good practice to check with the
staff in Mail & Distribution Services first to see if they might be able to assist
you in filling a need.
Helpful Links Associated with this topic:
For specifics details on surplus and disposal, please refer to Procedure 9-08 (D)
Policy Disposal of Surplus Property: Surplus Property Approval Flowchart
For IT Disposal see: Office Location Change Or Equipment Disposal