Honors Program
Columbus State's Honors Program gives high-achieving students in Arts & Sciences or
Career & Technical programs the opportunity to join a community of like-minded individuals
who desire the benefits of rigorous curriculum and heightened student and faculty
interaction. Columbus State Honors students benefit from participation in an Honors
cohort of students who take Honors-level classes and participate in smaller faculty-led
clusters known as Honors PODs (Purpose/Opportunity/Dedication). Honors students also
have access to special projects, travel opportunities, and scholarship opportunities.
For more information, see the Columbus State Honors Program website or contact the Honors program co-directors at honors@cscc.edu.
If you would like to be added to the Honors Faculty Blackboard Organization, please
contact T.J. Duda (tduda@cscc.edu).
H-Designation Courses
Instructors may submit a proposal to add the Honors H-designation to an existing course
by completing the Honors Course Proposal Form. All proposals are processed by the Honors Committee. For guidance on this process,
please contact the Honors co-directors Becky Mobley (rmobley@cscc.edu) and Irene Petten (ipetten@cscc.edu).
To submit your H-Designation application for approval, e-mail the completed proposal
form to honors@cscc.edu.