Request an Accommodation
See Also: ADA Overview | Reasonable Accommodations | Request an Interpreter
Students: This page is for employee requests. For student and classroom accommodations, visit Accessibility Services.
1. An employee may make an oral or written request directly to their immediate supervisor or by contacting a Benefits Analyst. Although there are no "magic words" to request an accommodation, an employee should be as clear as possible when indicating that they are seeking an accommodation for a disability to enable them to fulfill essential job functions.
2. Accommodation requests can be made by sending an email to
3. Accommodation requests may be made orally or in writing. The employee may choose to complete the confidential ADA Accommodation Request form: ADA - Request for Reasonable Accommodation and submit it to a Benefits Analyst to begin the interactive process. If the form has not been completed at the time the employee has made a request, the Benefits Analyst may ask the employee to fill out the Request for Reasonable Accommodation form. Decisions regarding accommodation will not be delayed pending receipt of a completed Request for Reasonable Accommodation form unless there is insufficient information provided to the Benefits Analyst without completion of the form.
4. When the need for accommodation is not obvious/visible, the employee may be required to submit supporting documentation regarding the impairment, the limitations resulting from the impairment and the requested accommodation. If the Benefits Analyst is requesting the medical information on behalf of the employee, the employee must sign an Authorization for Medical Protected Health Information (PHI) form consenting to the disclosure of the employee's protected health information to the Compliance Office. A DocuSign PHI form will be sent to the employee for completion during the interactive ADA process.
5. Completed forms and other supporting documentation should be sent to the Benefits Analyst.
6. The Benefits Analyst will review any supporting documentation to evaluate the request and determine eligibility. In doing so, the Benefits Analyst may meet with the employee and supervisor as necessary.
7. After completing the initial review, the Benefits Analyst will respond to the accommodation request. The response will be provided as soon as practically possible, but absent unusual circumstances, not more than 30 business days after the request is made. The response will go to the employee and employee's supervisor, if appropriate.
8. Engaging in the Interactive process – The Benefits Analyst will work with the employee and their supervisor to determine reasonable accommodation options and/or implement any recommended accommodations.
Reporting ADA Discrimination
Any individual with a disability who believes that they have been a victim of discrimination because of their disability should contact the Compliance Office or submit a secure online complaint form.