Facilities Project Request
The Project Application Request Form is your tool to request:
- RENOVATION project of your existing educational or office
- EXPANSION for additional space requirements.
For routine maintenance items such as electrical, HVAC, plumbing and furniture repairs
contact the work order desk at ext. 5444 or e-mail facilitiesmgt@cscc.edu
Form Instructions
- Complete the top half of the form: including the “Description of Request/Justification." Explain the details of the requested
project as it is If more space is required for explanation, attach additional pages.
- Obtain Proper Approvals: In the "Approved to Proceed with Cost Estimate" section of the form, approvals from
Dean/Director and Vice President/Designee are required.
- Submit Completed Form: via interoffice mail to Facilities Planning, Design & Construction or e-mail to FACplanning@cscc.edu
- Within seven days of receiving the request in Facilities, Design and Construction,
a project manager will contact The project manager will begin the planning and estimating
process with your involvement.
- Dean or Director receives project request form with budget estimate and scope of work
explanation (business justification). The Dean/Director will then attain Vice Presdient/Designee
- The Vice President or Designee presents the request to the College President for Approval.
For questions about this process, please contact Facilities Planning, Design & Construction
at extension 3944.
Facilities Project Request Form