Vendors & Invoicing
Columbus State’s standard payment terms are NET30 days and will be calculated by the date goods are received, the date the invoice is received, or the date of installation or acceptance, whichever is later. Unless otherwise preapproved by Cabinet or stipulated by a contract, no invoices shall be issued, nor payments made prior to delivery. Unless freight and other charges are itemized, any discount will be taken on full amount of invoice. All payments are subject to adjustment for shortage or rejection.
Our preferred method of receipt for invoices is via email to referencing “email processing‟ in the subject line with name of seller and invoice number. You may also send a hard copy invoice via USPS mail to Columbus State Community College, Accounts Payable, 550 East Spring St., Box 1609, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Invoices must reference Purchase Order number and match Purchase Order on a line by line basis to ensure prompt payment. The standard method of payment is by check. If other payment options are needed, please contact Accounts Payable or Purchasing.
In order for any payment to be made to a vendor, a Vendor Registration form must be completed. There are instructions that indicates completed forms should be returned to or faxed to (614) 287-2545. The Non-Affiliated Vendor Registration form is more specifically for individuals who are not associated with the College in any way.
Helpful Links Associated with this topic:
Linda Cunningham or Ethan Kaufman
(614) 287-5700