The Accreditation Process
Columbus State’s institutional accrediting body is the Higher Learning Commission and includes a triad of the US Department of Education, the Higher Learning Commission, and the state of Ohio.
Provide Feedback: Help Our Accreditation Effort
We are in the process of writing our Year 4 assurance argument (due Oct. 9, 2023) as part of the accreditation cycle. You can help by reviewing the draft and providing feedback. Please select the area you wish to review (components listed under the area show content included for each component). After you are finished, please provide feedback by selecting the appropriate feedback form:
- Mission
- Publicly articulated and operationalized
- Public good
- Diversity of society
- Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct (coming soon)
- Integrity
- Transparency
- Sufficient board autonomy
- Academic freedom and freedom of expression
- Knowledge, acquisition, discovery & application
- Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support
- Academic offerings appropriate to higher education
- Exercise of intellectual inquiry integral to programs
- Sufficiency of faculty and staff
- Support for student learning and effective teaching
- Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
- Ensuring quality of educational offerings
- Assessment of student learning
- Persistence, retention, and completion outcomes
- Institutional Effectiveness, Resources & Planning
- Effective governance and administrative structures
- Resource base
- Systematic and integrated planning and improvement
For feedback on items you reviewed, please choose the appropriate form:
Please note: We are required to provide evidence that we did what we stated in the narrative. For this reason: Faculty and staff should include links to web pages and/or upload any evidence files using the faculty and staff feedback form.
The Accreditation Process
Reaffirmation of accreditation occurs on a 10-year cycle. In the year 2023/24, Columbus State will be in its 4th year of the cycle and will be submitting an assurance review on October 9, 2023. You can help with this process.
Supporting Links
- Programs
Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Planning
- Fast Facts
- Programs
- Events
- Community
- Day of Service
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Integrity: Ethical & Responsible Conduct
Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support
Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
Institutional Effectiveness, Resources & Planning