Academic Standing
What is Academic Standing?
Academic Standing is determined by your grades at the end of each semester.
If your grade point average (GPA) meets the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, then you are in Good Academic Standing.
If your GPA does not meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, then it will result in one of the following Academic Standings: Warning, Probation, or Dismissal. Students who do not meet the Standards are notified by student e-mail at the end of each semester. This notification is an alert that you need to take action, so you stay on course to achieve your goals. Academic advisors are available to guide you through the Academic Recovery process.
It is important to note that Academic Standing is different from Columbus State Financial Aid's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Students using financial aid should verify their current SAP status and eligibility by logging into CougarWeb's "Financial Aid Self-Service." Students with questions regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress can call 614-287-5353 or start a live chat with a Student Central representative by clicking the chat option lower right corner of the Student Central webpage.
Students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA to graduate from Columbus State.
What is the Minimum Required Cumulative GPA for Good Standing?
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Total GPA Credits |
1-16 |
1.50 or higher |
17-32 | 1.60 or higher |
33-43 | 1.75 or higher |
44-54 | 1.90 or higher |
55 hours or more | 2.0 or higher |
Academic Standing Levels at Columbus State
You are in good academic standing when you meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Performance, by earning the minimum required grade point average (GPA).
What does Good Academic Standing mean for you?
- You are meeting or exceeding a minimum standard that helps you meet a graduation requirement.
- Benefits of a high GPA:
- Scholarship opportunities.
- Dean’s List recognition when you exceed the standards by earning 3.5 GPA or higher and have completed 6 credit hours or more for the semester.
- Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) eligibility. PKI is an international honor society for community college students. You will be invited to join PTK after completing 12 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.5.
- Graduating with honors if you earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. Graduation with honors is noted on the graduation program and your diploma. Procedure 5-09D 13 a-d
You will be on Academic Warning for any semester in which your grade point average drops below 2.0
What does Academic Warning mean for you?
- Your semester GPA is below a 2.0, indicating you have fallen below the GPA standard for that semester. You have an opportunity to refocus your efforts to stay on track to achieve your goals.
- Connect with college and community resources to discuss any academic difficulties and to support your academic progress. Utilize free services offered by the college.
- Students using financial aid should verify their current Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status and eligibility by logging into CougarWeb's "Financial Aid Self-Service." Students with questions regarding SAP can call 614-287-5353 or start a live chat with a Student Central representative by clicking the chat option lower right corner of the Student Central webpage.
After your first semester, you will be on Academic Probation when your cumulative grade point average (GPA) is below the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
What does Academic Probation mean for you?
- You will be unable to register for classes until you complete the Academic Recovery Process and create a plan for future success.
- You will have 24 additional credit hours over two or more terms to improve your grade point average to meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- To start the Academic Recovery process, click on the link for Academic Recovery.
- Students using financial aid should verify their current Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Status status and eligibility by logging into CougarWeb's "Financial Aid Self-Service." Students with questions regarding SAP can call 614-287-5353 or start a live chat with a Student Central representative by clicking the chat option lower right corner of the Student Central webpage.
You will be dismissed from Columbus State if, after being placed on academic probation and registering for 24 additional credit hours (over 2 or more semesters), your cumulative grade point average remains below the designated Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress.
What does Academic Dismissal mean for you?
- You will not be permitted to attend for one semester following your Academic Dismissal.
- You will be unable to register for future semesters until you have completed the Academic Recovery process and Petition for Readmission.
- Your petition must be submitted 60 or more days prior to the start of the semester for which you seek readmission. The Academic Calendar lists Readmission Deadlines for Academic Dismissal.
- If you have already registered for the next semester prior to notification of your Dismissal, your classes will be dropped, and you will not be permitted to attend.
- To start the Academic Recovery process, click on the link for Academic Recovery.
- Students using financial aid should verify their current Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Status status and eligibility by logging into CougarWeb's "Financial Aid Self-Service." Students with questions regarding SAP can call 614-287-5353 or start a live chat with a Student Central representative by clicking the chat option lower right corner of the Student Central webpage.
If after your first Academic Dismissal and Readmission, you do not maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) or higher for the semester and do not have a cumulative GPA that meets the designated Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, you will be dismissed from Columbus State a second time.
What does Academic Dismissal 2 (DIS 2) mean for you?
- You will not be permitted to attend for two semesters following your second Academic Dismissal.
- You must Petition for Readmission and Academic Review to start the Academic Recovery process. Your petition must be submitted 60 or more days prior to the start of the semester for which you seek readmission. The Academic Calendar lists readmission deadlines for Academic Dismissal and Academic Review.
- You will be required to meet with the Academic Review Board to be considered for readmission.
- If you have already registered for the next semester prior to notification of your Dismissal, your classes will be dropped, and you will not be permitted to attend.
- To start the Academic Recovery Process for students on Academic Dismissal 2 (DI2) click on the link for Academic Recovery.
- Students using financial aid should verify their current Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Status status and eligibility by logging into CougarWeb's "Financial Aid Self-Service." Students with questions regarding SAP can call 614-287-5353 or start a live chat with a Student Central representative by clicking the chat option lower right corner of the Student Central webpage.
If after your second Academic Dismissal and Readmission, you do not maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) or higher for the semester or do not have a cumulative GPA that meets the designated Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress, you will be dismissed from Columbus State a third time.
What does Academic Dismissal 3 (DIS 3) mean for you?
- You will not be permitted to return to Columbus State for 24 consecutive months following your third Academic Dismissal. At this point, you may be eligible for Fresh Start.
- You must Petition for Academic Review to start the Academic Recovery process. Your petition must be submitted 60 or more days prior to the start of the semester for which you seek readmission. The Academic Calendar lists readmission deadlines for Academic Dismissal and Academic Review.
- You will be required to meet with the Academic Review Board to be considered for readmission.
- If you have already registered for the next semester prior to notification of your Dismissal, your classes will be dropped, and you will not be permitted to attend.
- To start the Academic Recovery Process for students on Academic Dismissal 3 (DIS 3) click on the link for Academic Recovery.
- Students using financial aid should verify their current Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Status status and eligibility by logging into CougarWeb's "Financial Aid Self-Service." Students with questions regarding SAP can call 614-287-5353 or start a live chat with a Student Central representative by clicking the chat option lower right corner of the Student Central webpage.
Please refer to Columbus State Policies & Procedures Manual's procedure "5-09 (D)Grading and Academic Requirements" for more details about each level of standing.