Step-by-Step Instructions & Registration Form
If you are a student at another college and want to take courses at Columbus State with the intention of transferring them back to your home college, or for professional growth, you are a Transient or Guest student. We welcome you to Columbus State and look forward to helping you on your educational journey!
Step 1: Apply to Columbus State
Your first step to taking classes as a Transient/Guest student is to apply for admission to Columbus State, using our standard online application.
IMPORTANT: Please choose the following options so we can process your application correctly:
What's your educational goal: Take courses to transfer to my home institution where I will earn my degree
Career and Academic Pathway: Transient
Major: Transient
NOTE: If you have already applied to Columbus State and/or attended previously as a transient student, you DO NOT need to reapply. See instructions for retrieving your log-in information under Step 4.
Step 2: Meet with your advisor at your home college
You’ll want to determine which courses are right for your program of study at your home college, and work with your advisor to assure they will transfer in and apply toward your degree.
Step 3: Determine the Columbus State prerequisite courses and course equivalents
Review Columbus State course descriptions, and choose the course(s) that work for your home institution program of study or career goals. Then, contact the academic advisor at your school to confirm your plans and assure that the transfer of courses will be seamless.
The online tool, can be used to find course equivalencies for many institutions. Select "Search for Equivalent Courses" to see how specific courses will transfer between Columbus State and your home institution.
Step 4: Access your Columbus State email and CougarWeb
Once you're accepted at Columbus State, you will receive an email with information on how to access your CougarID and set up your student email account. You will also use your student email username and password to register for classes through our course registration system, CougarWeb.
Previously accepted students: To retrieve your log-in information, use the "What's my username?" and/or "What's my password?" link at the bottom of the CougarWeb page.
Step 5: Submit the Transient/Guest Registration Form and your unofficial transcript or course documentation from your home institution
You may attempt to register for courses via your CougarWeb account. If your registration is successful, the prerequisite is on your record. If unsuccessful, you must submit the Transient/Guest Registration Form with the appropriate documentation.
You can find the form by clicking the blue button below. The form will require information including home institution, desired Columbus State course(s) including department name and course number (ie. MATH 1151). It will also ask you to attach documentation from your home institution, which could include an unofficial transcript, degree audit, or advising report.
Transient/GUEST Registration Form
Step 6: Register for Classes
Once you receive an approval email in response to your submitted Transient/Guest Registration Form, you will be free to register for those requested classes via CougarWeb. (Click here for a step-by-step registration video tutorial.)
Please ensure you regularly monitor your Columbus State student email for important communications.
Step 7: Finalize Financial Plans
- Resolve financial aid questions
Contact the Financial Aid Office at your home institution for questions about using financial aid from your home college while you attend Columbus State. Transient Financial Aid - Pay Your Fees
All fees must be paid by the published Columbus State fee payment deadline. Learn more about payment options and payment plans offered by Columbus State.
Step 8: Send official Columbus State transcripts to your home institution
After your final CSCC grades post, it is necessary to send an official transcript from Columbus State to your home institution. You can request your official transcripts be sent via the Transcript Request Form in CougarWeb.
Want to Stay Longer?
If you decide to enroll for more than two consecutive semesters at Columbus State, please send your official transcript from your home institution (see Transcript Evaluation). Be aware that transcripts can take up to four weeks to process.
Consult with an Academic Advisor if you intend to pursue a Columbus State degree or certificate.
Still have questions?
For questions, visit the Transient/Guest Student FAQ.