I’m starting college for the first time
We understand the unique needs of students who are attending college while working, taking care of families, and fulfilling other responsibilities. Life is busy! With flexible classes including online options, along with manageable payment plans, we make it possible for busy adults to earn a college degree. In fact, 68% of our students are over the age of 20.
Recent high school graduates (within the past two years)
If you graduated from high school within the past two years, you are considered a “traditional student.” Click below to learn more about attending Columbus State after high school.
Attending Columbus State After High School
Returning to school after “a few years” out
It’s a life-changing decision to return to school to earn a degree once you’ve been out on your own in the workforce. Congratulations on taking your first step! The great news is, you’re not alone. The majority of students at Columbus State are attending college as adults.
If you need assistance getting started, Contact Admissions. Our Admissions Specialists are experts in connecting you to the information and resources to need to prepare for going back to school. They can answer any questions you have - and ease your mind. You’re taking a great step toward your future, and we’re right here beside you!
Events for Adult Students who want more info before deciding
CState Info Session
Your virtual event starts with an information session, followed by a virtual of campus. We conclude with time for a Q&A to provide any assistance you need in applying for admission..
Get Started Guide
Note: As an Adult Learner, you'll attend a New Student Workshop where students receive assistance with selecting and registering their first term classes.
Special Programs
The Exact Track program is an evening and online business program from Columbus State and Franklin University, offered exclusively at the Columbus State Delaware Campus. The program features pre-planned courses, seamless credit transfer, and free textbooks - so you can get in, get the degree, and get the job!
If you need a faster track to steady employment, our no-cost Accelerated Training Centers can help you reset your career with two to five weeks of training. You’ll become qualified for skilled positions that start at $16-$26 an hour. You’ll also meet hiring managers with positions to fill!
Free trainings can include:
- Career counseling
- Basic English language skills
- Basic computer skills
Please note: Accelerated Training Centers do not offer college credit.