Testing Centers
Attention Students:
The Columbus Campus Testing Center has temporarily moved to the Nestor Hall lower level (Rooms 011,012, 013) for the Spring 2025 semester while the WD 223 Testing Center is being remodeled.
Please check-in for your exam at the designated area in Nestor Hall (follow the signs
to the lower level) and arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time.
Note: Some Accommodated Testing (Private Rooms) will still take place in the Eibling
Accessibility Services Office.
Testing Centers are available in Columbus, Delaware and Dublin with convenient daytime, evening and weekend hours. Instructors may also use a variety of alternate proctoring systems. Regardless of the method used, Columbus State is ready to meet your testing needs.
Where Do I Start?
Get directions from your instructor
Check your course syllabus or with your instructor to see how your exams are being proctored. Some exams will be taken in a Testing Center while other exams will be taken through an alternate proctoring system.
Testing Center Exams
All exams taken at a Testing Center require a RegisterBlast appointment. RegisterBlast appointments are made by selecting either Columbus RegisterBlast, Delaware RegisterBlast or Dublin RegisterBlast in Blackboard Tools.
RegisterBlast | RegisterBlast Instructions
Testing Center Guidelines | Locations & Hours of Operation
Alternate proctoring systems
Instructors may use a variety of alternate proctoring methods. Refer to the links below for the proctoring system used in your course.
Respondus Monitor Training
If your instructor uses Respondus Monitor to administer virtual testing, additional support is available. At the beginning of each semester, Online Student Success Guides host RM trainings to help students get comfortable using the system.
- To find a Respondus Monitor coaching session: Online Student Success - CougarConnect (cscc.edu)
- One-on-one coaching is also available for students using Respondus Monitor. To request a coaching session, email onlinetestsupport@cscc.edu.
Accessibility Services
Click https://www.cscc.edu/services/disability to find out more information on Accessibility Services provided.
Quick Links
RegisterBlast Instructions | Respondus Monitor | Respondus Monitor Student Checklist | Zoom Tests | Lockdown Browser | Placement Testing | Healthcare Program Admissions Tests
Need Help? Contact Us
Testing Center (614) 287-5750, testingservices@cscc.edu
Accommodated Testing (614) 287-5089, disability@cscc.edu
Registerblast (614) 287-5750, testingservices@cscc.edu
Out of Region Testing (614) 287-5675, outofregiontesting@cscc.edu
Respondus Monitor https://web.respondus.com/student-help-livechat/
Lockdown Browser https://web.respondus.com/student-help/
Zoom https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us
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