Maintaining Financial Aid Eligibility (SAP Policy)
Eligible Coursework for Aid
Federal Financial Aid regulations require each course a student is registered for
be part of the student's Plan of Study in order for that course to be counted as "Federal
Student Aid Eligible." This funding is available for a maximum of 30 credit hours
of pre-college level coursework over your academic career which includes ALL passing
, withdrawn and failed courses.
Eligible Coursework for Aid
Regulations and/or limitations on repeating courses and receipt of financial aid
Federal regulations limit the number of times a student may repeat a course and receive
financial aid for that course. Regulations on Repeat Courses
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
How to check your financial aid satisfactory academic progress status:
Log into CougarWeb and click on Financial Aid Self-Service. Your SAP status is at the top of the page
under the academic year. If you do not understand your status, please contact the
Telephone Information Center at 614-287-5353, visit a Financial Aid advisor in Student Central on the Columbus campus or Student Services on the Delaware campus.

Why you should check your satisfactory academic progress status:
All students at Columbus State Community College who receive federal financial aid
must make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward completion of their degrees
within a reasonable period of time. These practices and guidelines are in accordance
with regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education. Failure to maintain progress could result in a loss of financial aid.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)