Evaluation & Assessment
The evaluation of Logistics Engineering Technology Work-Study will be guided by the
project’s theory of change and framed by five evaluation questions. The theory of
change posits that by increasing experiential learning opportunities among logistics
engineering technology students—particularly involving the underemployed, incumbent
works, and military veterans—these students will be able to increase their wages while
graduating with minimal debt.
Brief Report: LETWS Resume Workshop 2019
Brief Report: LETWS Interviewer Follow-up Survey 2019
Interim Evaluation Report: LETWS 2019
Interim Evaluation Report: LETWS 2018
Brief Report: LETWS Bus Tour 2017
About The Rucks Group
Leading the evaluation in collaboration with the project principal investigator is
Dr. Lana Rucks, of The Rucks Group. The Rucks Group is a six-person research and evaluation
firm that gathers, analyzes, and interprets data to enable clients to make quality
strategic decisions. She has led several evaluative initiatives, including projects
funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Labor, as well
as other STEM initiatives. She possesses deep expertise in rigorous research methodology,
evaluation design and implementation, and data analysis.