Model Education Pathway
Manufacturing Career Pathways
It is imperative that the Additive Manufacturing Summer Institute be integrated into
the formal advanced manufacturing career and educational pathway at Columbus State
Community College. Through the Additive Manufacturing Summer Institute, high school
students will have the opportunity to be fully-immersed in an early college environment
and learn the foundations of manufacturing.
In Year 1 of the project, the project team aligned the AMSI to the college’s already
success Modern Manufacturing Work Study Program (DUE 1400354), which prepares students for careers as manufacturing technicians through
an earn and learn model. The Modern Manufacturing Work Study program allows students
to pursue one of three different two-year degrees in engineering technology:
High school students successfully completing the AMSI, will be prepared to participate
in Columbus State’s College Credit Plus dual enrollment program and pursue coursework
in manufacturing and engineering technologies. The proposed College Credit Plus Manufacturing
Pathway features four categories of coursework: a non-technical foundations category
and three technical levels. The technical coursework has been sorted into levels that
take into consideration gateway engineering coursework, lab equipment and software
requirements, and ability of high school teachers to be credentialed as dual enrollment
instructors. Level 1 coursework serves as an entry-point while Level 3 coursework
is the most advanced and likely requires multiple pre-requisites and/or advanced equipment/software.
Columbus State’s proposed dual enrollment coursework can be found in the following
Additive Manufacturing Dual Enrollment Pathway
The College’s Additive Manufacturing career pathway has been designed with multiple
entry- and exit points in mind. Upon completion of an AAS degree students can choose
to enter the workforce or continue their education with a four-year degree in Engineering Technology from Miami University. A visual representation of the proposed Additive Manufacturing
Career Pathway can be found below:
Additive Manufacturing Career Pathways Diagram