Student team places 3rd in national competition
Student News | Monday, June 27, 2022
(Pictured, left to right: Bryce Byington, Adina Beaufort, and Ben Fisher)
Three students, Ben Fisher, Adina Beaufort, and Bryce Byington, were awarded third place this month in the annual Community College Innovation Challenge, funded by the National Science Foundation.
Accompanied by faculty member Chris Dennis, the students flew to Washington D.C. to compete in the final leg of the competition at the Capital last week. After a two-day boot camp, a poster presentation, and a five-minute innovation pitch, they effectively communicated their innovative idea that focused on “Augmenting STEM Education.”
“These students started as strangers from three separate disciplines across the college,” said Kaylor Ramey, supervisor in the Office of Talent Strategy. “This project was extracurricular on top of their already busy schedules. They met regularly for months to bring this project together and even went a step above the requirement and met with Stanley Electric who provided them CAD files to create a demo of their product!”
Read the story from the National Science Foundation
Read the story in Community College Daily
See an overview of their project
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