Take part: join Columbus State’s team BuckeyeThon team
Student News | Monday, April 11, 2022
BuckeyeThon is the largest student-run philanthropy in Ohio which raises funds and awareness for the Hematology, Oncology, and Bone and Marrow Transplant Unit at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Students who join this organization raise money for cancer research and psychosocial services on these floors.
BuckeyeThon is an Ohio State University organization, but they began opening membership to Columbus State students several years ago. So, CSCC GoCougs – the name of our BuckeyeThon team – was created!
We are actively trying to expand the team and gain more participants, but we need help. We are looking for a third student officer in charge of our social media and contacts. If you are interested in joining the team or in being our social media officer, contact us!
You can reach the team captains and current club officers, Anam and Avalon Havan, at csccgocougs@gmail.com. Also check out our social media site: Team Instagram: csccgocougs; Team Facebook: Cscc Gocougs; Team Twitter: @csccGoCougs.
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