Related Events
Check out additional Columbus State events exploring women's history and empowerment.
15 Amazing Women Who Changed the World
An interactive exhibit in the Columbus State Library, on view through March
You may already know of the contributions by su
ch women as Rosa Parks, Gloria Steinem, and Oprah Winfrey, but have you heard of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie or Patsy Mink?
In honor of Women’s HERstory Month, the Columbus State Library’s 15 Amazing Women Who Changed the World exhibit represents a sampling of women across generations, socioeconomic backgrounds, and ethnicities who had an undeniable influence on the future of all women and the world. Stop by the exhibit for an interactive experience, and learn about these lesser-known feminist heroes. During the Women’s Leadership Summit on March 22, this exhibit will be located on the fourth-floor gallery of the Center for Workforce Development. It will also be on display March 12 through March 31 on the second floor of the Columbus State Library.
Library Story Booth
“Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.” -Sue Monk Kidd
Everyone’s story matters. The Story Booth offers a chance to contribute yours, and remind others of the power in listening. Stop by the Story Booth alone or with a friend, and the Columbus State library staff will walk you through the process, help facilitate the recording, and archive your stories for sharing and preservation. No preparation necessary! We’ll have everything you need, including sample questions and bottles of water.
March 22: Women’s Leadership Summit
Center For Workforce Development (WD) 4th floor
Stop by the Story Booth alone or with a friend to reflect on the summit theme of “empowerment in action.”
Speak Out! An Open Mic Poetry Event
A workshop and open mic in honor of National Poetry Month
In honor of National Poetry Month, the Library will be hosting a poetry workshop and open mic on Thursday, April 26, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Local poet, Vernell Bristow, will lead the workshop and emcee the open mic event. Bristow is the cofounder of Writer’s Block Poetry and for several years has participated in regional, national and international slam poetry competitions, as well as the annual Columbus Arts Festival poetry competition. We are
thrilled to have her here during National Poetry Month, and hope this event will provide students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to share poetry that explores such themes as gender, race, leadership and more.
To participate in the workshop portion of this event (4 to 5 p.m.), please click here to register. The open mic will start immediately after and is open to the public. Both will take place in the Multimedia Studio located on the first floor of Columbus Hall. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information, please contact the library.
Women in Poetry
Celebrate National Poetry Month at the Columbus State Library
April is National Poetry Month and this year the Columbus State Library is highlighting women poets. Listen to or read one of the poems by featured women poets on the many tables throughout the library, and create a poem of your own at one of the Poetry Creation Stations.