Capture the Flag Cyber Security Challenge
Campus News | Thursday, December 14, 2017
More than 50 students from Columbus State and several Central Ohio high schools took their first steps towards becoming cyber warriors at a Capture the Flag event sponsored by the Ohio National Guard and Columbus State.
Students tackled a variety of cyberattack scenarios that assessed their problem-solving
skills as well as their knowledge in programs like Python and Linux which are used
in the cybersecurity field.
The event was designed to inspire more students into cybersecurity studies and careers. Ohio has more than 6,700 jobs available in cybersecurity, with more than 2,600 in Columbus. Columbus State is part of the Ohio Cyber Collaboration Committee, which is committed to creating a "cyber range" – a virtual environment used for cybersecurity training and technology development.
Columbus State's Computer Science program launched its cybersecurity technician pathway program this year. Funded through a National Science Foundation grant, the program prepares students for in-demand jobs in cybersecurity with stackable certificates and a two-year degree in applied science. Students can then transfer to Franklin University for their bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity.
“Our goal is to not just create individuals who know what they are doing (in this field) but help them understand that they are in a war and they will be cyber warriors,” said Larry McWherter, who teaches cybersecurity courses at Columbus State.
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