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Gain a mentor in your career field

Student News | Friday, October 1, 2021

The Career Mentorship Program at Columbus State works to pair you with a professional in your career field of interest for the Autumn and Spring semesters. A mentorship can help you grow your professional network and gain insight into your desired career path.

The program has more than 90 mentors ready to work with Columbus State students. Mentors are from a wide range of career areas, including business, marketing, and design; construction and engineering; education; healthcare; hospitality and culinary arts; human resources; information technology; legal; logistics; real estate; science, and social and human services.

Please check out the biographies of the professionals at this link.  

The Mentorship Program is currently seeking motivated students with at least 10 completed credit hours who can be matched with some of our available mentors! 

Sign up to participate at If you have questions, contact Taylor Slocum at

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