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Annual East Meets West Symposium to examine pandemics

Student News | Monday, March 8, 2021

A picture of people wearing masks in 1918

The Columbus State Humanities Department and The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center annually co-sponsor the When East Meets West Symposium. Due to the pandemic, the event will be more modest and online this year. However, the theme hits home for everyone: When East Meets West: Pandemics: Past, Present, and Future - Coronavirus in Historical Context. 

Presentations include “East Asia, Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Diseases from Dengue to COVID-19” by Dr. Amy Welling Gregg, Department of Comparative Studies at OSU-Newark. And Dr. Jim Harris, with Ohio State’s Department of History, will present "From 1918 to COVID‐19: Pandemics in Modern American History.”

The symposium will be held virtually on Thursday, March 25 from 5-7:30 p.m. 

Register at his link

See the event flyer. 

If you have questions, contact Jennifer Nardone, Humanities associate professor, at


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