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Diversity Training Certificate program

Student News | Monday, February 8, 2021

The Office of Global Diversity & Inclusion will continue the Diversity Training Certificate program this semester for employees and students. Participants who complete six workshops will receive a certificate recognizing their completion of the series. Spring workshops include:
Diversity 101, Thursday, March 4, noon-1:30 p.m. 

Implicit Bias, Thursday, March 11, noon-1:30 p.m.

Microaggressions, Thursday, April 8, noon-1:30 p.m.

For Diversity 101 on March 4:
Diversity 101 is the first workshop in the Global Diversity & Inclusion Certificate program. Other workshops in the series build on the foundational language and concepts introduced in this workshop. Diversity 101 introduces the connections between concepts such as diversity, identity, culture, privilege, oppression, and more. 

Diversity 101 workshop learning outcomes include:
Participants will gain a shared language and understanding of foundational diversity and inclusion concepts, understand the connections between diversity and inclusion concepts and how these connections impact people in society. In addition, participants will have baseline knowledge needed to excel in  follow-up diversity certificate workshops

All workshops will be offered virtually. Additional sessions may be added. Visit Cornerstone or Cougar Connect to rsvp for any or all available workshops you would like to attend.  For more information, please contact Brett Welsh, director, Global Diversity & Inclusion Center, at 


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