Interviews available for students with disabilities
Student News | Monday, March 1, 2021
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities’ College2Careers program is connecting students with employers for virtual interviews for permanent positions. This multi-day hiring event is scheduled to take place April 5-9. A Career Development Specialist from Ohio College2Careers will help eligible students customize their resume for the employer(s), practice interviewing skills, and coordinate the interview with the employer(s). Interviews will take place over Microsoft Teams, and a Career Development specialist will help troubleshoot any technical challenges that may arise.
Students who would like to participate must be receiving services from Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Students interested in participating in this Virtual Hiring Event or other Ohio College2Careers services should contact Columbus State’s College2Careers Counselor Jessica Terry at or (614) 287-3817.
Please note: Registration for the Virtual Hiring Event ends on Sunday, February 28. Students need to be signed up and qualified for OOD services before that date to participate in the Spring Virtual Hiring. RSVP here.
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