Upcoming Career Services workshops
Student News | Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Check out these upcoming workshops for advice on writing your resume and cover letter, and more.
Writing Resumes & Cover Letters
Monday, February 19 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in CO 111 (Library Multimedia Studio)
Writing a resume and cover letter can be overwhelming, especially when resumes get
an average of eight seconds of attention before going on the shortlist or into the
trash. Learn to write compelling resumes and cover letters that fit the job posting.
Going Professional on Social Media Networks
Thursday, March 1 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CO 111 (Library Multimedia Studio)
This workshop is an entry-level introduction to the different social media platforms
you can use to help in your job search. Discover tips on how to create a professional
profile online and the explore the top social media networks.
Career Services hosts a variety of workshops each semester to help students become career-ready. You can view the full schedule here.
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