Columbus State Community College launched the first Courageous Conversations series
in 2015 to address issues of race and ethnicity. These events brought together a diverse
cross-section of the community to talk about education, health care, and other topics
through the lens of race and ethnicity. You can watch reflections on each event from
particpants in the videos below.
Courageous Conversations
Community Forum on Myth-Busting - Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Criminal Justice
Community Forum on Criminal Justice - Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Community Forum on Healthcare - Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Community Forum on Employment - Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Community Forum on Education - Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Courageous Conversations In Action
In October 2016, Columbus State hosted a special Courageous Conversations In Action
event. The event featured a conversation between artist, community leader, and Columbus
State alumni Richard “Duarte” Brown and community volunteer, mentor, and Columbus
State student Donte Woods-Spikes, with Columbus State President David T. Harrison.
The two community advocates talked about how they have each used their talents to
impact social justice.
"A Courageous Conversation in Action" allowed two Columbus artists to discuss how
they work together and use artistic talents to help young people in their community.