Academic Integrity
Building A Community of Trust
Columbus State is committed to making sure our students go into the world with the knowledge and skills needed for success. Academic integrity is about making responsible and honest decisions, submitting work that is all your own, and acknowledging the use of others’ work. As a student, you play a pivotal part by committing to the learning process, taking responsibility for academic integrity and understanding the guidelines/rules each instructor has in place to build a community of mutual trust.
Important questions to ask include:
- Do I understand my instructor’s guidelines for this assignment/ test/exam, including:
- Can I use the textbook or other class resources?
- Can I use additional resources (i.e. the internet or exam notes)o Are students permitted to collaborate on this test/assignment?
- If I do not understand, have I approached my instructor(s) for clarification?
- Does the work I’m submitting represent only my own thoughts, ideas, and understanding of the course material?
- If I have used other sources or other’s ideas, have I cited them correctly?
- Do I understand that most course materials that faculty posts are copyrighted and belong to the college/faculty member and should not be shared.
Know Each Instructor's Guidelines
Academic integrity guidelines can differ by instructor, class, and even from assignment to assignment. In addition, the online learning environment has added new considerations to the topics of academic integrity and misconduct. Be sure to check each instructor’s syllabus and course announcements, and ask further questions to make sure you have the information you need. Understanding and abiding by what’s expected is an important part of building and maintaining trust throughout our academic community.
Academic Misconduct
Students should be aware of the imperative to conduct themselves in an ethical manner that is aligned with the policies involving Academic Misconduct as provided in the Student Code of Conduct. When actions are taken that are counter to those expectations, the Office of Student Conduct will work with both instructors and students to address those behaviors in a concerted effort to prepare students for success while at Columbus State and beyond, while also holding students accountable for their actions. If a student is found to be in violation of Academic Misconduct policies, sanctions implemented to address the conduct can range from a formal warning to disciplinary probation to suspension from the College, depending on the severity of the situation.
Academic Integrity Modules
This video explains the importance of integrity and its relevance in our personal, educational, and professional lives.
This video provides an overview of the difference between collaboration with others versus copying/cheating. It also reinforces the importance of academic integrity.
This video defines academic integrity and the CSCC Code of Conduct.
This video explains the direct consequences of violating the College's policy and the damage caused to academic, personal, and professional life.
This video identifies College resources available, such as the Writing Center and Library Resources, and strategies to implement for academic success.